Voting Rights Groups Call for Extension of Florida Voter Registration Deadline

Contact: Larry Hannan/State Voices Florida /(239) 253-8952
Michael Krumholtz/ All Voting is Local / (202) 640-1350
Tallahassee, FL – Today is the deadline to register to vote in Florida. But many communities across the state are still struggling to recover from Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton is projected to make landfall Wednesday on the central Gulf Coast. Due to these unique circumstances, a broad coalition of voting rights organizations are calling for the State to indefinitely extend the deadline to register to vote in all Florida counties until Milton has passed and everything has stabilized.
It is unreasonable to expect people to focus on registering to vote with multiple storms wreaking havoc in Florida. Floridians who are still recovering from Hurricane Helene are today preparing for Milton; they can not and should not be expected to have to meet a voter registration deadline today. It is unfair to disenfranchise newly arrived Floridians, people who have just reached the legal age to vote, and others who need to register to vote in Florida due to the impacts of natural disasters that are beyond their control. We therefore urge Governor Ron DeSantis, Secretary of State Cord Byrd, and others to pause the deadline.
We previously sent the attached letter to the Governor and state officials expressing our concerns about Hurricane Helene’s impact on Floridians’ ability to participate in the 2024 General Election. While Executive Order 24-212 addressed some of these issues, it fell short of offering all of the necessary solutions. With Milton now threatening a second devastating blow, our concerns are amplified. Two hurricanes in three weeks, with densely populated areas like Pinellas and Hillsborough counties projected to sustain a second serious hit, requires unique and urgent action.
We strongly encourage the Governor, Secretary of State, and other election officials to take these concerns seriously and prioritize the voting rights of all Floridians during this critical time.
The undersigned organizations support this request:
Advancement Project
State Voices Florida
All Voting is Local
Black Voters Matter
Central Florida Jobs with Justice
Common Cause Florida
Disability Rights Florida
Dream Defenders Education Fund
Florida Rising Together
Fair Elections Center
Florida National Organization for Women
Voices of Florida Fund
Faith in Florida
Florida Coalition
Florida For All Education Fund
Florida State Conference NAACP
Florida Student Power Network
Florida VoteRiders
Future Coalition
Equal Ground Education Fund
Harriet Tubman Freedom Fighters
LatinoJustice PRLDEF
League of Women Voters of Florida
The Northside Coalition of Jacksonville
Southern Poverty Law Center
Community Justice Project, Inc.
1199 SEIU Florida
Palm Beach County Voting Rights Coalition
ACLU of Florida
Hot 407 Foundation
Progress Florida
Mi Familia En Accion
Legal Defense Fund
Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
Asian American Pacific Islanders Coming Together
National Council of Jewish Women
Letitia Harmon/ Florida Rising (816) 304-0330