Letter: Vote by Mail

January 22, 2025

January 15, 2025 

 Dear Clerk, Manager or Administrator, 

As voting rights organizations, we truly appreciate the work the Supervisors of Elections across the state of Florida are doing to ensure voters have access to important information and are election-ready. However, this daunting task requires other election administrators, county officers, and municipal officers to do their part as well, especially as we approach special and municipal elections that may not be on voters’ radars, with the added caveat that many voters may also be unaware of the need to submit a new vote-by-mail request if that is their preferred voting method. 

Changes in Florida voting law have required a hard reset of vote-by-mail enrollment after the November 2022 General Election, which means that every vote-by-mail request on file with the county Supervisor of Elections office would only be valid for one general election cycle. In the 2024 November General Election, more than 3 million Florida voters voted by mail, out of over 3.5 million Florida voters who had requested a mail ballot. Florida law will now require another hard reset on December 31, 2024, and every voter wishing to vote by mail in elections happening between January 1, 2025, and December 31, 2026, will have to make sure they request their ballot ahead of the applicable deadline: by 5 p.m. 12 days before election day in the election they plan to vote in. One request can be valid for all elections in the cycle if the voter chooses this option. 

That is why we are encouraging you to use every tool at your disposal to communicate with voters within your jurisdiction so their voices are not left out in the upcoming elections. 

We’ve crafted a series of best practices and recommendations that you could implement to expand your outreach and we’re happy to meet with you to find ways in which we can collaborate to ensure no voter is left out of the process. 

We strongly encourage the following actions: 

Share election information on municipal websites: 

To make information more readily available for voters, relevant websites should be updated regularly before relevant deadlines for upcoming elections and include: 

  • Key information about upcoming elections on the city website’s front page and a dedicated election information tab on the website landing page. 
  • Information about the requirements to request a vote-by-mail ballot, including the need to re-apply for the 2025-2026 cycle if voters previously voted by mail. 
  • Information about how to request an accessible ballot. 
  • Accessible viewing for voters requiring screen readers. 
  • Information in English, Spanish, and any other additional languages, as mandated by local, state, or federal law, or as deemed necessary to meet the needs of the voters in your jurisdiction. 

Send mailers to all voters: 

One of the best ways to ensure that voters understand the new rules for vote-by-mail requests is to mail information directly to all voters in your jurisdiction and to include: 

  • Information about how to request a vote-by-mail ballot or an accessible vote-by-mail ballot. 
  • Identification requirements for vote-by-mail ballot applications. 
  • How to communicate with the Clerk or the County’s Supervisor of Elections office. 
  • Information in English, Spanish, and any other additional languages, as mandated by local, state, or federal law, or as deemed necessary to meet the needs of the voters. It should also be made available in Braille or steps should be taken to ensure all voters have access to electoral materials. 

Share information on social media – we urge the municipality to: 

  • Post electoral information periodically on official social media channels. In the months leading up to a registration or request deadline, posts should occur more frequently. 
  • Direct voters to visit the Supervisor of Elections website to submit a request for a vote-by-mail ballot. These could be a variation of images, text, and videos. 
  • Post information on assistance available for voters whose preferred language is not English. 

Additional outreach considerations may include: 

  • Collaboration with other departments and elected officials to share key electoral information through municipal newsletters and other means. 
  • Inclusion of an election notice with vote-by-mail request information in communications from municipal utility companies and other municipal resources. 
  • Outreach to local print, radio, and digital media outlets, as well as email lists and text lists. 
  • Participation in community events. 

Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to hearing from you and to working together in expanding voter access across Florida. 

Ricardo J. Negron-Almodovar FL Senior Campaign Manager All Voting is LocalJuanica Fernandes Executive Director State Voices FloridaAdora Obi Nweze President NAACP Florida State Conference
Osvaldo Fonseca Community Engagement Manager Del AmbienteAmy Keith Executive Director Common Cause FloridaCecilia Gonzalez Advocacy Coordinator for Voting Rights LatinoJustice PRLDEF
Michele Eiger State Organizer RAC-FLCarolina Wassmer FL State Program Director Poder LatinxMichelle Kanter Cohen Policy Director & Senior Counsel Fair Elections Center
Rebecca Pelham Executive Director Engage MiamiGenesis Robinson Executive Director Equal GroundAna Sofia Pelaez Executive Director Miami Freedom Project
Rosemary McCoy CEO Harriet Tubman Freedom FightersCassandra Brown JD, MPH Cofounder, Executive Director All About the BallotsKelly Frazier President Northside Coalition of Jacksonville
Soraya Márquez FL State Director Mí Familia en AcciónMaruxa Cardenas Co-Director La Mesa Boricua de FloridaJohn Powers Program Director, Power & Democracy Advancement Project
Moné Holder Chief Advocacy & Political Officer Florida Rising TogetherTatiana Williams Executive Director Transinclusive GroupSandy Kaltman, Kate Renchin & Mark Schneider Co- Chairs Palm Beach County Voting Rights Coalition
Mark Ferrulo Executive Director Progress FloridaJonathan Webber Florida Policy Director Southern Poverty Law CenterLeah Wong NAACP Legal Defense Fund
Debbie Chandler, Esq. and Cecile M. Scoon, Esq. Co-Presidents League of Women Voters of FloridaCherie Hall Executive Director Disability Rights Florida