Florida’s Voter Information Lookup Website Has Crashed and Many County Information Lookup Sites are Also Down

Florida’s Voter Information Lookup Website Has Crashed, and Many County Information Lookup Sites are Also Down
FLORIDA – The Florida Election Protection Coalition is alerting the media and voters about today’s failure of the state of Florida Division of Elections to provide critical voting information for voters who are seeking to cast their votes today, Election Day, and an alternative solution for voters.
While this does not affect the vote count or tabulation, this does affect voters’ ability to access the ballot. Voters can call their county Supervisor of Elections office to find out information about their registration status or Election Day polling location.
Abdelilah Skhir, senior strategist, ACLU of Florida:
“On the last day to vote in the 2024 General Election, the Florida Division of Elections voter lookup tool is down. The state must make it a priority to correct this issue. Thousands of voters are looking up their voter information and planning where to vote – this is a delay that interrupts their ability to cast their ballot. With hours left until the polls close, we must ensure that every eligible voter in Florida can participate in the democratic process.”
Amy Keith, executive director of Common Cause Florida:
“It is urgent for voters to be able to find the information they need to vote today. While these websites are down, voters should call their county supervisor of elections office on the phone to get the information they need before they go vote.”
Voters experiencing look-up tool issues should contact their county Supervisor of Elections. Voters can find the phone number for their supervisor of elections at this website.
Abdelilah (Ab-Dee-Lah) Skhir, ACLU of Florida, 786-363-1660
Jennifer Garcia, Common Cause, jgarcia@commoncause.org, 727-717-2308